Category: Uncategorized
How to Pray
How To Pray Sometimes it seems as though each day becomes more difficult than the day before. Teachings from man sometimes makes it rather confusing. What I mean is man teaches us how to pray. So often our ministers our friends that
Facing Death
Facing Death Read | Luke 23:32-43 The thief on the cross—condemned by both God and man—was just hours away from death. But before he took his last breath, something absolutely glorious occurred. The criminal, in the very process of dying, was rescued
Wait on the Lord
Why is it wise to wait on God? By Dr. Charles Stanley It is always wise to wait on God. Why? First, it is wise to wait because God gives clear direction only when we are willing to wait. Remember, we don’t
Praying in the Spirit
Praying in the Spirit Read | John 14:16-21 I am convinced that if Christians truly understood what takes place during prayer, they would call upon the Lord more often and with greater results. The believer’s prayer isn’t simply spoken into empty space;
Wait on the Lord
I. Waiting and Working They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. Neither hath the eye seen, O God, beside Thee, which worketh for him that waiteth for Him.’–Isa. 40:31, 64:4 Here we have two texts in which the connection
God Acts on our Behalf
God Acts on Our Behalf Life Principle 14 Dr Charles Stanley God acts on behalf of those who wait for Him. Isaiah 64:4 In this hurry-up world, waiting for anything can cause us to lose our temper and our good sense—more frequently